Generalmajor ARRIAKAS
3.Kampfgruppe Commander




Awards For This Unit:


  • Panzer Lehr
  • ANZaxis
  • 1st Fallschirmjaeger
  • 1775rdf

  • S!AXIS! Im honored to lead the glorious 33 ID 3th Kampfgruppe. Following, few remarks: 1)MS are essential to all military operations.Mission Leader must deploy it during initial phase. 2)Dont use precious equipment(i.e sappers,88mm and heavy panzers) during initial phase, its essential to maintain a good reserve in order to(I.O.T) contrast eventual enemy counter-attack. 3)Work as a team.Stay togheter,moving and covering (suppression fire) is essential. 4)Rifleman, give ammo to mortars and LMGs before die=) Good luck. 33ID 3Kg CO Knife00

    Keep communicating with your officers and mission leaders, check in with and support the HC as often as possible! HEER COMMS use Channel [10] NAVY COMMS use Channel [30] LUFT COMMS use Channel [20] For operational comms tune [OPS] channel.


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