Officer Articles of Conduct

Revision 12-4-2023 - XOOM


Senior Command

The Senior Command consists of the Commander in Chief, Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff. There is one Allied Senior Command and one Axis Senior Command. These three, one set on each side, work together to manage the rest of their HC.

Commander in Chief
There is one Allied Commander in Chief and one Axis Commander in Chief. This is the highest level of the High Command and this person is ultimately responsible for their entire side. This officer is also responsible for submitting a weekly report to the CRS Game Management Staff each Thursday evening. The Commander in Chief term will be at the discretion of the CRS Management Staff, however this term will be no shorter than one full campaign and no longer than three consecutive months unless invited to stay longer by CRS.

Chief of Staff
The Chief of Staff is responsible for oversight and management of the Commander in Chief Staff and Country Commanders. This officer must be prepared to assume the role of Commander in Chief in his or her absence.

Deputy Chief of Staff
The Deputy Chief of Staff s responsible for oversight of all promotions, demotions, and dismissals. The Deputy Chief of Staff will inform the Chief of Staff and the Commander-in-Chief of any demotions or suspensions before any changes are made to the Order of Battle (OrBat). Additionally, the Deputy Chief of Staff will review and compile weekly reports from the branch and country commanders and forward them to the Commander in Chief.

Country Commander
The Country Commander is the final authority regarding promotions, demotions and retirement of any officer within his chain of command with the exception of his/her Executive Officer. A Country Commander who recommends demotion or dismissal of his Executive Officer will be referred to the Deputy Chief of Staff. Additionally, he/she will be responsible for submitting, in writing, a weekly report to the Deputy Chief of Staff every Tuesday evening.

Country Executive Officer
The Country Executive Officer is responsible for ensuring the morale and welfare of all officers under his/her command. This officer will also be responsible for reviewing all recommendations for promotion or demotion of an officer. Additionally, the Country Executive Officer must be prepared to assume the duties of the Country Commander in his/her absence.

Mission Statement:

The WWIIOL High Command is a player run organization that serves the larger WWIIOL community through its volunteer staff's dedication and commitment to the organization's ultimate purpose as noted below. While a fully volunteer-based society, the HC is a CRS mandated structure designed to enhance game play quality for the entire WWIIOL community

WWIIOL is designed and supported as a game that allows its players/customers to define the course and flow of the war. In that light, specific game systems and functionality are delivered from CRS to the HC in ongoing support of a fully player-run command layer. The HC structure represents the marriage of game technologies and services with community dynamics to deliver a system that is unprecedented in the online gaming world. Indeed the WWIIOL HC is a fully functioning High Command structure without equal.

The ultimate purpose of the HC is to conduct military-style combat operations in the WWIIOL game theater and all administrative functions that these operations require. The HC is not only responsible for the planning and conducting of strategic and tactical combat operations in game, but it also is responsible for policing its members, managing its member lists and teaching the game mechanics needed to conduct combat inside the game server to those players/customers who are joining the HC Staff via the OCS Program. The ultimate outcome of this activity is a more enjoyable and intense gaming experience for all subscribers

The Commander in Chiefs, Chiefs of Staff, and Deputy Chiefs of Staff manage the WWIIOL HC. These highest command positions are guided by the CRS Game Management Staff, which are CRS employees.

I. Rights of the Players

1: HC members will not attempt to force other players/customers to follow their orders. They have authority only over players/customers who are members of the HC. They are to guide and lead the player base using strategic and tactical tools given to them by CRS.

2: HC staff will work towards earning the respect of the community. The HC staff must be willing to listen to the community for their concerns and ideas. They are there provide an enjoyable gaming experience and must make every effort to maintain a positive working relationship with the community. They are in fact ambassadors of CRS to the community.

3: HC officers will not engage in rudeness or other insulting exchanges in the forums or in game. Rants, flames or whines are not allowed while you represent the HC. Public complaints about the game or CRS are incompatible with membership. HC officers shall utilize the Chain of Command in reporting complaints about the game players/customers, HC members or CRS employees to their immediate superiors. HC officers shall be positive in public and not post in a way that would lower the morale of their community even when faced with aggressive or abusive behavior.

II. Joining the HC and Responsibilities of the HC

4: Membership in the HC is voluntary and is open to players/customers who wish to take part in the role-playing aspect of the High Command. The High Command is a role-playing element within the community. Those who volunteer to take part in this role-playing will take on a role for the position they hold. Qualifications are maturity, experience with the game, the ability to organize and work well with others, an active game account, completion of the OCS program and the ability to put aside your personal time for the enjoyment of your fellow players/customers. Membership in HC does not come automatically with a subscription. Participation in the High Commands is granted or revoked at the discretion of the officers immediate chain of command or the Game Management Staff.

5: HC officers are ambassadors of CRS. The rest of the gaming public will be looking for your example and assistance. You will treat all members of the community with the utmost respect and cordiality without bias, positive or negative, towards any individual, squad or unit in the game.

6: HC Officers must follow the official Chain of Command and carry out the instructions of Senior Officers to the best of their ability. HC officers must deliver for their players/customers. If you are unable to deliver and provide players/customers adequate leadership and or representation, then you should step down in order to make way for others behind you who can.

7: HC officers may belong to a squad and keep their squad duties as long as they can carry out their HC duties as well. Commanding Officers of a Brigade will not place their squads interests before their HC duties. They must be able to manage both.

8: In order to be eligible for membership in the HC Officers must demonstrate ability and commitment through a training program that will prepare them for Brigade Command. This training program is mandatory and is a pre-requisite for entry into the bottom rung of the HC, as a Colonel, and Deputy Executive Officer to a Brigade Commander. The training organization of the HC conducts OCS training.

9: HC Officers are limited to only serving in one in-game branch be it Army, Navy, or Air Force and may only serve on one side at a time. An HC Officers primary responsibility is to their office and the players/customers. Officers should not take on any other role if they are unable to accomplish their primary responsibility

10: To be eligible for a Brigade Commanding Officer billet within a unit, one must be a member of that unit for no less than thirty days. This period starts when the officer first officially becomes a member of the unit. In the event a unit is vacant, the Branch Commander may approve an officer to take the command of the unit if officer shows that they would be able to fill that position and provide positive leadership for that unit. This is in place to allow a relationship between the unit and the future Commanding Officer to be built and allow respect from the unit to be earned.

III. Promotions, demotions, suspensions, transfers and dismissals within the High Command.

11. Promotions are based on a number of qualities and accomplishments including, but not limited to:
a. Total game experience
b. Merit of Service
c. Ability to manage HC and customer relations in game and in the forums

An Officer is normally promoted to the next senior billet within his branch. An Officer can be promoted more than one level in a single promotional event, but this is rare and only done when exceptional need exists or ability is demonstrated. The Country Commander is the only officer that can approve a promotion of more than two billets from the current position. All promotions must have the approval of two levels up from the position of appointment. Any officer that is passed over for promotion can appeal to the Country Commander who will review their case with that officers commander. Officers can transfer to another branch but must take a position lower than the position they are leaving. An Officer transferring cannot take a Commanding Officers position when transferring so that Section 10 can be adhered to and they have thirty days in that unit.

Once a High Command Officer is nominated for promotion to a Senior Staff position - defined as any position from Country Executive Officer to Commander-in-Chief - by the incoming or current Commander-in-Chief approval must be granted by a member of the Game Management Team of CRS. The Game Management Team has executive authority to any promotion recommendation.

11b. Demotions.

Can be applied to officers who haven't shown the skills for advancement in the HC as outlined above, an officer has no desire to be promoted, or for minor violations of the Articles of Conduct. HC Officers who hold a CO position, below the branch level, and refuse a promotion will be demoted, asked to resign or reassigned at the discretion of the branch commander. The senior staff, on a case-by-case basis, will deal with HC Officers who hold a Branch or higher position and refuse a promotion.
Reasons must be presented for demotion to the officer via forum private message or email. Verbal discussion is recommended but not required.
The Country Commander has the right to veto a demotion. This is to be used as the last resort and is completely discretionary by the Country Commander.
Any officer being demoted under the rank of Deputy Chief of Staff is final. There is no appeal process.
Any demotion against the Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, or Commander in Chief will be investigated and Game Management Staff will have final approval on any such action.
All promotions and demotions must be sent to the Country Commanders during the process and before promotion/demotion is announced.

11.c. Suspensions.

Officers can be suspended for minor infractions of the Articles of Conduct. Verbal or written warnings will be provided to the officer prior to the suspension. The length of the suspension is at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. Officers, who are suspended more than twice, for the same or similar reason, will be dismissed from the High Command.
Senior Command and CINC Staff may temporarily suspend an Officer for serious violations pending permanent action and discussion with Senior Command and CRS.

IV. Actions and Guidelines While in the High Command

12: Commanders will present a united view in the eyes of their troops. Disagreements with official HC policy is to be handled in private in the restricted forums reserved for such discussion. Prior to a decision being made discussion is welcome. After the decision is made, all Officers will give a united image in public. To publicly disagree with HC policy is reason for disciplinary actions from the Commander in Chief, their Staff or Game Management Staff, which could result in the termination of the Officer in violation of this policy.

13: HC Staff will treat each other professionally, as fellow Officers, with all the respect that this implies. We understand that in house fighting and disagreements will happen, but are never to be conducted in public or be disruptive to the rest of the HC Officers. Personality clashes that become disruptive will be dealt with in the harshest terms possible, namely, summary dismissal of both parties.

14: Leave of absence. It is understood that real life must come first. In the event an Officer must be away tending to real life issues, then it is the Officers responsibility, as soon as reasonably possible, to inform their Chain of Command. For a leave of absence lasting more than two weeks the Chain of Command should consider a replacement, unless special circumstances warrant an extension given only by the Chain of Command. Any officer who is absent for more than thirty days will be automatically removed from the High Command. The HC is responsible for providing leadership to their team. Absent officers do no good for anyone and raise the work of others. Leave of absences that are approved shall be sent up the Chain of Command for notice and documentation.

14.1: The Commander in Chief may not be absent from the game or fail to have any written or verbal communications with CRS for more than seventy-two hours without notice to their Chief of Staff and the Game Management Team. In the event that more time is needed, it will be granted for up to two weeks away from the game, if previous communication is made.

14.2: Officers need active subscriptions in order for them to be able to lead in the field. If an officer is unsubscribed from the game for more than seven days, they forfeit their position. The role of officers is to be on the field leading their troops. Without a subscription they are unable to fulfill their role. In the event that relief on this is needed, the officer is responsible for communicating that need to the Commander in Chief who will discuss options with the officer and, if needed, communicate with the Game Management Team for options.

14.3: No officer will be granted a leave of absence (LOA) in order to play the other side. HC Officers may only play on their opponents side during intermissions.

14.4: Officer primary accounts and all subsequent accounts created may ONLY play the side you represent in the High Command program. You may only play the opposing side during intermissions. At no time should you ever be dual accounting (playing simultaneously on both sides).

14.5: Senior Commanders, both Allied and Axis, are expected to have open lines of communication with each other to enhance the game play for all players/customers under the leadership of the High Commands.

14.6: Senior Staff may work with their counterparts on the other side to enhance the game. Planning events like captures and rescues, convoys, etc are allowed as long as it is done in a professional way and that it does not impact the operation of their team on the field.

15: Officers have a direct communication system with CRS representatives through their Commander in Chief and Game Management Team. Issues with the game should be communicated up the Chain of Command. The Commander in Chief will communicate those issues with the Game Management Team. The Commander in Chief will communicate their response back down the Chain of Command. HC Officers should not complain to the player base or on any open communication channels about the game or any game issues that arise during game play. HC Officers who receive communication of any game play issues from the player base will respond to them in a positive way and let those players/customers know that any issues will be sent up the chain of command to the Commander in Chief Staff and the Game Management Team. Complaining downstream is destructive, lowers the teams moral, and causes the player base to log out of the game hurting their team even more.

15.1: Officers will remain on their sides Discord during the campaign or events that require HC officers to play the side they represent. An exception would be to address priority game matters with the opposing HC team for the betterment of the game. During intermissions or any events designated as "free-play" HC are welcome to join either Discord. Use of Discord is not required by HC, only recommended.

16: The /hc channel is for command purposes only. Disrespectful communication or other communication not in the best interest of the team is forbidden. Lower command communication should take place on the OPS and/or other respective in game command channels. The use of the High Command Message of the Day (.hcmotd) should be used to convey guidance, orders, and situational information from HC commanders.

17: The use of .axis / .allied commands are to be used to promote the units of the command. Each use must have in them the unit requesting help, who the mission posted by and what channel they are on, if not on the default mission channel. The uses of emergency or urgency terms (911, ALL, NOW, IMMEDIATELY, PRIORITY etc) are forbidden. Misuse of this tool will result in a written warning from the Chain of Command on the first violation. The second violation is removal from the HC toolset for three days. If another violation happens, removal from the HC will happen.

17.1: Statements of encouragement are allowed by the Branch Commander or higher. If no officers of these levels are present in game then the Senior Officer in Charge currently with .allied or .axis privileges may issue .axis / .allied messages of encouragement. The usage of .axis / .allied may also be used to give advance warning to the player base of intended moves of Bde/Div and of the withdrawal of AO's. I.E. ".Axis: xxx Bde/Div is being moved from xxx town to xxx town. Please adjust your missions accordingly." ".Allied The attack AO on xxx town is being withdrawn. Please RTB at this time and contact your Chain of Command for new objectives." An HC Officer should not repeat any .Allied or .Axis announcement (or similar that gives the same effect) within any five-minute period.

18: All Officers will be held accountable for their actions, in game and out. Management of all officers is ultimately the responsibility of the Commander in Chief, through the Chain of Command. Violations of the Articles of Conduct will be handled per the Disciplinary Review Process.

18.1: Disciplinary Review Process (DRP)

A: Minor conflict or misbehavior of an officer should be handled at the lowest level possible. Incidents of a severe nature or those requiring disciplinary action will be sent up the Chain of Command in the form of a written report/grievance with as much supporting evidence as possible. The evidence should include any screenshots, chat logs, recordings of TS conversations, and copies of private messages and email that relate to the incident or incidents. Only the senior command officers of the parties involved will be notified of the incident. No evidence or disciplinary action against the violating officer will be announced or shared publicly.

B: Senior Staff will review the evidence, contact the reporting officer and the accused officer for their explanation of events if needed, and will then discuss any actions that may need to be taken. Actions may include: No action, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension or removal from the HC.

C: The Commander in Chief will make the final decision on any disciplinary action taken, is responsible for carrying out the action and recording the actions taken in the officer's personnel file. Once an investigation is completed and a decision has been reached, it is final, binding and shall not change. There is no appeal process.

D: At any time during or after the investigation the Game Managers may make inquiries of the Senior Staff regarding the status or disposition of a disciplinary case.

19: All officers are responsible for the enforcement of the Articles of Conduct for those directly under them. Fair, impartial and thorough investigation is required of a disciplinary review Senior Investigating Officer. Failure to do so is a violation of this Article.

19.1: As an officer of the High Command you are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account. Your Officer persona is empowered with various High Command Tools that have been given to you with the trust of the High Command and Cornered Rat Software that, as you know, can have a great deal of impact on the game environment. As an officer, it is your responsibility not to allow anyone access to or use of your officer account. Unauthorized use of your account that results in a breach of the Articles of Conduct or Playnet’s Terms of Service may terminate your participation in the High Commands of WWIIOL

20: Term limits will be imposed in two categories - the Commander in Chief and those refusing promotion. Commander in Chiefs are limited to a term deemed fair by the Game Management Team. Time in office, leadership, fairness, community activity and mentorship are the primary items looked at when making a decision. Dynamic movement within the ranks promotes healthy forward movement of all Officers below that position.

V. Commander in Chief Requirements

21: The Commander in Chief must maintain a visible image within the community and be active in the community. This includes a presence in game and on the forums. The Commander in Chief should reach out to the community and work to earn their respect.

22: The Commander in Chief must run at least one Commander in Chief level operation per month. He may utilize the Chain of Command to organize it, but the operational plans must be joint operation style and communicated through the securest way possible to the lowest grunt on the field so they know of the operation.

23: Officers must do what is right for the game and the players/customers as a whole at all times.

24: Senior Command Meetings: The Commander in Chief is required to plan and execute a senior command meeting weekly, ongoing. This should include the following personnel: CinC, COS, DCOS, Country CO, Country XO, All Branch CO's & XO's, and all CinC Staff. If the CinC cannot personally attend, a member of the Senior Command will be designated as the meeting facilitator.

Final Statement:

The Articles of Conduct exist to protect both the players/customers and the command organizations. The Commander in Chief of both commands and the Game Management Team must approve changes to these Articles before they go into effect. Both commands follow the same Articles of Conduct. The commands are role-playing and have a Chain of Command. Each level has different roles that they must fulfill in order to maintain their role. It is not mandatory or given that a player must be an officer. They volunteer to become an officer to enhance game-play through working with the Chain of Command to organize their team.
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