Luftmarschall (Feld) DWALIN
Luftwaffe Branch Commander

  Generaloberst KNAPP
Luftwaffe Branch Chief of Staff





LUFTWAFFE Channel : 20 Join us on Discord.

LuftFlotte II.-- Northern Command< /B>

**(Deployed North of AWS-40 Across Map)

KampfGruppen 26 LowenGeschwader

Jageschwader 2 Richtofen

I.Fallschirmjager Div.

LuftFlotte III. Southern Command

**(Deployed South of AWS 40 )

KampfGeschwader 53 Condor Legion

Jaggeschwader 3 Udet

II.Fallschirmjager Div.

Luftwaffe Mission Essential Task List
Implement Commander’s Intent
Prepare and Maintain Command SOP
Execute the Military Decision Making Process
Develop Strategic Effects
Forecast Probable Requirements
Conduct Mission Analysis
Prepare the Operational Estimate
Develop Unit Operations Order
Plan Combat Operations
Plan for Future Follow On Operations
Prepare Fragmentary Orders
Review Plans/Orders of Subordinate Units
Organize Tactical Command
Perform Offensive Operations
Perform Defensive Operations
Perform Security Operations
Execute Force Protection
Synchronize Tactical Operations
Incorporate Reconstitution Operations
Execute the Deep Fight
Execute the Close Fight
Execute Rear Area Operations
Manage Combat Power and Battlefield Systems
- Maneuver
- Fire support
- Command and control
- Intelligence
- Mobility/Survivability
- Combat Service support
- Air Defense

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