Individual Awards


Iron Cross 3rd Class (Heer Issue)
Awarded to a Heer Officer for her/his efforts in game. 3rd Class designation refers to efforts like helping the new players rank up, always helping the other branches, always respectful to others. This award can be issued by Korps level up.
Issued by XL2DYLAR on 01 May 2007
OKW Bluestar (Team Effort Award)
This award is issed to individual officers that show continued team effort. An Officer that goes above and beyond the call getting things team orientated shall be eligible. Issued by Korps level up. Should always be more than one officer recieving it
Issued by LINCE on 11 May 2007
Grand Cross 3rd Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in and out of game. 3rd Class designation refers to efforts training all players, always working the other branches, always respectful to all players, follows AOC. This award can be issued by Korps level up.
Issued by TUCK on 02 Jun 2007
Iron Cross 2nd Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in game. 2nd Class designation refers to outstanding efforts in brigade movement, planning, & leading missions. Must have 3rd Class to receive 2nd Class Medal. This award can be issued by Armee level up.
Issued by LINCE on 05 Jun 2007
OCS Badge
This award is presented to all graduates of the IKW OCS School.
Issued by XL2DYLAR on 09 Jul 2007
Merit Star
Awarded to an officer or player that has shown meritorious service to the Axis Side. This can be from gaurding a bunker, running supply, ht/opel driver ... This award is highly regarded and the recipient of this is held in the highest respect by OKA.
Issued by LINCE on 17 Aug 2007
OKW Bluestar (Team Effort Award)
This award is issed to individual officers that show continued team effort. An Officer that goes above and beyond the call getting things team orientated shall be eligible. Issued by Korps level up. Should always be more than one officer recieving it
Issued by LINCE on 25 Aug 2007
OCS Badge
This award is presented to all graduates of the IKW OCS School.
Issued by TACRTC on 11 May 2008
Iron Cross 3rd Class (Kriegsmarine Issue)
Awarded to a Kriegsmarine Officer for her/his efforts in game. 3rd Class designation refers to efforts like helping the new players rank up, always helping the other branches, always respectful to others. This award can be issued by Korps level up.
Issued by RODLEE on 24 Aug 2008
OIC Combat Bar (bronze)
Awarded to a player or officer that has dedicated his/her time to lead the playerbase. This award is given to those that have been noticed on more than 5 occasions taking OIC duty.
Issued by COLT1945 on 01 Oct 2008
Meritorious Service Cross
Awarded by 12. Armee Commanding Officer TopD to individuals for meritorious service in the superior performance of their duties.
Issued by WAFFLEZ on 11 Nov 2008
Axis Honor Cross
Awarded to players and officers that show true Axis honor. These players have proven time and time again they are here for the Axis Side. Commitment and dedication is what they are about. Axis HC holds recipients of this medal in the highest regard.
Issued by TORO15 on 01 Jan 2009
OIC Combat Bar (silver)
Awarded to a player or officer that has dedicated his/her time to lead the playerbase. This award is given to those that have been submitted for 5 bronze class comendations for OIC duty.
Issued by ALFAWULF on 18 Jan 2009
Iron Cross 1st Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in game. 1st Class designation refers to outstanding efforts in junior officer training, admin and leadership. Must have 2nd Class to receive 1st Class Medal. This award can be issued by Branch level up.
Issued by ALFAWULF on 18 Jan 2009
OIC Combat Bar (gold)
Awarded to a player or officer that has dedicated his/her time to lead the playerbase. This award is given to those that have been submitted for 5 silver class comendations for OIC duty.
Issued by SCUMBUD on 27 Feb 2009
German Defense Medal
Awarded by General der Truppen Peepers to individuals on October 23, 2005, For exceptional leadership in Defense of the Fatherland.
"When the going got tough these fine leaders got tougher. As Allied forces moved closer and closer to Germany and defeat looked near these are the Officers who grabbed control and pushed the map west. These fine Officers represent the fighting spirit of the Axis forces!"
Issued by DAMELE on 19 Mar 2009
Für Ehrenhafte Aufgaben
Für Ehrenhafte Aufgaben For Honorable duties. Awarded to players dedicated to the Axis side and proven their bravery at the battlefield.
Issued by POOGIE on 11 Apr 2009
Grand Cross 2nd Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in and out of game. 2nd Class designation refers to efforts working to improve the fun for all players, always takes OIC, take leadership role as much as possible. This award can be issued by Armee level up.
Issued by DAMELE on 19 Jul 2009
OBC Badge
This award is presented to all officers who have completed the IKW War Academy OBC training.
Issued by MOUSER98 on 09 Aug 2009
Golden Eagle Order with swords and diamonds.
This award is given to an Officer for tireless efforts beyond the battlefield for ‘every player before self commitment’. This award is rare and very hard to receive. An officer must make a tireless commitment towards boosting morale.
Issued by KATONKA on 15 Aug 2009
Kriegsmarine OIC
This award is issued to recognize those officers that take the duty of running the Branch in game on a regular basis. This task is key to the gameplay for the Axis Naval player base. These individuals are the backbone to the Axis Side.
Issued by XOOMXOOM on 11 Sep 2009
Kriegsmarine OIC
This award is issued to recognize those officers that take the duty of running the Branch in game on a regular basis. This task is key to the gameplay for the Axis Naval player base. These individuals are the backbone to the Axis Side.
Issued by CSUDET on 02 Nov 2009
OKA Administrator Cross
This medal is awarded to the officers that dedicate time and efforts to the administration work required for the OKA. This thankless task is required and truely deserving of recognition. Without this effort the Axis would be a total mess.
Issued by FRANTISH on 27 Nov 2009
German Cross 1st Class w/diamonds
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in and out of game. 1st Class designation refers to efforts that promote Playerbase first concepts, promotes HC efforts, and puts others before self attitude. This award can be issued by Branch level up.
Issued by FRANTISH on 10 Dec 2009
Grand Cross 1st Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in and out of game. 1st Class designation refers to efforts in commanding the entire Axis playerbase, attends high level meetings, puts in hours of extra effort. This award can be issued by Branch level up.
Issued by ERECK on 07 Jan 2010
Most Valuable Officer
Awarded to the Officer deemed most valuable during a campaign. A vote held determines the officer chosen. This medal is only awarded by the AXIS CinC. This medal is a highly regarded medal of honor.
Issued by CSUDET on 30 Jan 2010
Order of V-Rab
Awarded to a player or officer that accomplishes a set goal set by an operational objective. This award shows the commitment and discipline of the wearer for a job well done.
Issued by ERECK on 13 Feb 2010
Destroyer Basic
DD Basic requires a minimum of 20 sorties or 20 kills in a single campaign. This award identifies that a player or officer can conduct basic DD operations. Awarded by KM Branch.
Issued by WILDHUND on 11 Sep 2001
Officer of the Week
This award goes out to the most valuable Officer for the week. The OKA Command holds this in the highest regards. To recieve this award is one of the highest honors one can receive from High Command.
Issued by IMAROCK on 21 Oct 2001
Operation Sealion on Silver Award
This award is offered to any player or officer that took part on the successful attack and capture of the towns of British Islands. Was given for first time on April 9 2009 on campaign 51
Issued by JFOYTEK on 27 May 2010
Iron Cross 1st Class with diamonds (retired CinC KM)
This Award is only given to the CinC on retirement. This medal is specialized to mark what Branch the CinC originated from. Held in highest honor this medal marks the dedication given by the officer that wears it.
Issued by ADONIRAM on 04 Sep 2010
OCS Badge
This award is presented to all graduates of the IKW OCS School.
Issued by LAFLEUR on 27 Feb 2021
OCS Badge
This award is presented to all graduates of the IKW OCS School.
Issued by VONDOOSH on 09 May 2023
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