Individual Awards

Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

OBC Badge
This award is presented to all officers who have completed the IKW War Academy OBC training.
Issued by AXEINC on 01 Sep 2015
OKW Bluestar (Team Effort Award)
This award is issed to individual officers that show continued team effort. An Officer that goes above and beyond the call getting things team orientated shall be eligible. Issued by Korps level up. Should always be more than one officer recieving it
Issued by GUTERTOD on 07 Nov 2015
Axis Cross
This award is given to players that show true commitment to the Axis Side. Players receiving this award have proven themselves to the Axis HC as Axis team players and are highly regarded as such. Player must have 0 Allied missions in current Campaign
Issued by LAFLEUR on 27 Sep 2016
Iron Cross 3rd Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in game. 3rd Class designation refers to efforts like helping the new players rank up, always helping the other branches, always respectful to others. This award can be issued by Korps level up.
Issued by LAFLEUR on 30 Oct 2016
Dienstauszeichnung der Achsenmächte auf Bronze
Awarded to players and officers that have dedicated themselves to 1 year of service to the Axis Side.
Issued by LAFLEUR on 30 Oct 2016
Merit Star
Awarded to an officer or player that has shown meritorious service to the Axis Side. This can be from gaurding a bunker, running supply, ht/opel driver ... This award is highly regarded and the recipient of this is held in the highest respect by OKA.
Issued by FIAMBRE on 16 Mar 2017
OKW Bluestar (Team Effort Award)
This award is issed to individual officers that show continued team effort. An Officer that goes above and beyond the call getting things team orientated shall be eligible. Issued by Korps level up. Should always be more than one officer recieving it
Issued by FIAMBRE on 04 May 2017
Iron Cross 2nd Class
Awarded to an Officer for her/his efforts in game. 2nd Class designation refers to outstanding efforts in brigade movement, planning, & leading missions. Must have 3rd Class to receive 2nd Class Medal. This award can be issued by Armee level up.
Issued by FIAMBRE on 22 Jun 2018
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